Problems installing and running SW JabloTool
JabloTool shows error message like “JabloTool has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience…” just after start.
It looks like serious problem with your .NET Framework installation. Please reinstall .NET Framework 2.0 follow these steps:
- Download .NET Framework 2.0
- Close all applications on your computer;
- Uninstall .NET Framwork (Start->Control panel->Add remove programs->Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0);
- Run installation of .NET Framework 2.0;
- Run JabloTool.
To see the list of operating systems supported by JabloTool SW click here. Please note that support for Jablotool desktop SW has ended and its newer versions are not planned. Nevertheless, the development of JabloTool in web browser ( continues.